Project Junbesi
Our first project is building a secondary school in Junbesi. This school was ruined by the earthquake in 2015.

Project secondary school
In consultation with the school board and villagers an earthquake resistant building with three floors was designed. The school building will also function as a community centre with a kitchen on the ground floor. The local community is actively involved in the whole planning, design and realisaties process.
Realization of the technical school
The former school principal, Kazi Sherpa, approached us with a solid plan to realize a technical school in Junbesi. The plan came from his frustration about the waste of a lot of talent. Young, talented people do not follow further education or -even worse- decide to quit secondary school without certificate . As a result, a lot of young people remain unemployed and a life of poverty awaits them. A lot of them head off to Kathmandu or move outside the country to work abroad.

Junbesi has a clear regional function for the area Solukhumbu. The technical school can educate young people to become a carpenter, blacksmith, elektricien etc. Nepal has a great need for professionals in rural areas, but also in Kathmandu. Skilled workers have better chances on the labor market.
To start this technical school professional teachers are needed . We have chosen to educate local people from Junbesi to become professional teachers. This will encourage other Junbesi villagers to become actively involved and take responsibility for the development of the technical school.
Also we want to offer courses for adults to expand their professional skills, e.g. in sewing, agriculture etc.
Our foundation SDN regards this project in Junbesi as a pilot. When succesfull, we want to implement this concept in other areas of Nepal. The nepalese foundation CNF is supporting us.

Construction Housing Students
It is also necessary to build hostels for boys and girls that will attend the Technical School.
We expect that there will be a lot of interest to visit the Technical School, because there is no Technical School in the Solukhumbu district, which is the size of the province of Overijssel. The Technical School therefore has a regional function. The children who live too far from the school in Junbesi can then stay in the hostel.